

What Problem Do Intermediaries Solve? Evidence From Real Estate Markets (2024)

    (with Mark Garmaise and Taylor Nadauld)

    Forthcoming,  Review of Financial Studies

Competing for Deal Flow in Local Mortgage Markets (2023)

    (with Mark Garmaise and Gabriel Natividad)

    Review of Corporate Finance Studies, Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages 366–401.

    (SSRN Version, Internet Appendix)

Financially Constrained Mortgage Servicers (2022)

    Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 144, Issue 2, Pages 509-610.

    (SSRN Version, Internet Appendix)

    Cubist Systematic Strategies Ph.D. Candidate Award for Outstanding Research (2018 WFA)

    Best Paper Award, Ohio State University PhD Conference on Real Estate and Housing (2018)

Working Papers

Who Invests in Crypto? Wealth, Financial Constraints, and Risk Attitudes (2023)

    (with Scott Baker, Tetyana Balyuk, Marco Di Maggio, Mark Johnson, and Jason Kotter)

    Revise and Resubmit, Review of Financial Studies

    (NBER Working Paper #31856)

    (Media Coverage: HBS, MarketWatch)

The Marginal Value of Public Pension Wealth: Evidence from Border House Prices (2024)

    (with Asaf Bernstein, Mahyar Kargar, Ryan Lewis, and Michael Schwert)

    Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Financial Economics

    (NBER Working Paper #29405)

The Effects of Cryptocurrency Wealth on Household Consumption and Investment (2024)

    (with Scott Baker, Tetyana Balyuk, Marco Di Maggio, Mark Johnson, and Jason Kotter)

    Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Finance

    (NBER Working Paper #31445)

    (Media Coverage: Bloomberg, Kellogg)

When Money Moves In: The Consequences of Housing Wealth (2024)

    (with Jason Kotter and Gregor Schubert)

    Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Financial Economics

    (Media Coverage: WSJ, UCLA Anderson, UCLA Economic Letter)

    Best Paper Award, AREUEA National Conference (2023)

Information Exploitation? A Pre-Crisis RMBS Issuer's Private Information (2016)

    New version coming soon